ART BOOKS WANTED International Award
Posted By edition lidu Published In All News Created Date 2013-06-26 Views 12537
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edition lidu has the pleasure to announce the Winners of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2013.
The International Jury met on June 8th 2013 in the B1 - Centre for contemporary design in Prague and has selected the Winner, awarded best projects in 11 categories and gave 8 Honorable mentions.

The Winner of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2013 and Awarded authors were announced on the 18th of June 2013 during the Press Conference and Opening at B1 - Centre for contemporary design.

The ART BOOKS WANTED Exhibition 2013

Opening 18th June at 7 pm
Exhibition from June 19th until July 6th 2013
Tuesday – Friday 10 am – 7 pm
Saturday 11 am – 5 pm
Free entrance

B1 – Centre for contemporary design
Bubenska 1
Prague 7 – Holesovice
View on Google Maps

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The Opening Exhibition & the Announcement of Results

The ART BOOKS WANTED opening exhibition took place at B1 - Centre for contemporary design in the presence of Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin - founders of EDITION LIDU and iniciators of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award along with the International jury member and the founder of B1 Stephan Bult, participant artists, media and the public.

The Winner Yeni Kim was announced during this occasion and the exhibition presenting the Winner, Awarded, nominated and other selected authors was inaugurated.

Mr. Yoon Jong-suk, the representative of the embassy of South Korea in Prague accepted the Award on behalf of the author Yeni Kim that could not be in Prague for this event.

Read more about the winning book City Acrobat here.

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And the Winner Is...

City Acrobat
by Yeni Kim (South Korea, UK)

Yeni Kim is originally from Seoul, South Korea, and is currently studying Visual Communication at the Royal College of Art in London. She works with various media, such as illustration, animation, and printed communication, but her main interest is in the art of storytelling. Yeni Kim loves to incorporate interesting stories from all aspects of life, using these stories as themes for her work, then adding her own insights and emotions.

’City Acrobat’, a narrative pop up book, is about life in the big city. The main character, an isolated female acrobat, represents the self portrait of a citizen. She needs to perform on the high wire all day, like the workers laboring in the city. Infinite roads, crowded buses, and skyscrapers illustrate the routine life of the busy citizen. Like the female acrobat’s dream, the city we belong to might not be the real world, but a kind of stage that we need to perform on.

The Jury appreciated the extraordinary combination of the visual quality, maturity of the presentation, originality with the poetic and at the same time very profound content of the artwork.

Read more about the winning book City Acrobat here.

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Awarded Projects

11 projects got the ART BOOKS WANTED International Award in different categories, 20 projects were nominated and 8 projects was awarded Honorable mention:

Best art catalog
Winner - The Path to Modernity: Mexican Modern Painting / Danne Ojeda - Singapore Art Museum (Singapore / The Netherlands)
Nominee - Distant Place / Sputnik Photos (Poland)

Best author's book
Winner - My Dear Omi! / Maruša Račič (Slovenia)
Nominee - Partir é Deixar, Deixar é Partir / Bárbara Rocha (Portugal)
Nominee - Chlapec a duha / Milica a Broňa Schragge (Slovakia)

Best children's book
Winner - Ako zajkovia mrkvu hladali / Zuzana Gálová (Slovakia)
Nominee - Indigo Child / Petra Bláhová (UK)
Nominee - Blossom / Marike Le Roux (South Africa)

Best comics
Winner - Arana / Sofia Drescher (UK)
Nominee - Heavens + Humans / Peter Calderwood & Lena Gustafson (USA)
Nominee - The amazing PLANET that is in the SOLAR SYSTEM / Francesca Presentini (Italy)

Best concept
Winner - Made by Rain / Aliki van der Kruijs (The Netherlands)
Nominee - The All Day Everyday Project / Hannes Beer (Germany)
Nominee - Enchiridion / R. Prost (USA)

Best documentary book
Winner - I Wouldn’t Wish War on My Worst Enemy / Jim Lommasson (USA)
Nominee - Missing / Pauline Muyldermans (Belgium)

Best graphic design
Winner - Signs & Symbols by Vladimir Nabokov / Yeni Kim (South Korea / UK)
Tytus Czyżewski — chosen poems / Katarzyna Wolny (Poland)
Things/Вещи/Objects / Sofya Karash (USA)

Best illustration
Winner - La descente / Benjamin Courtault (France / Germany)
Nominee - Allem Anschein / Lasse Wandschneider (Germany)
Nominee - Che Faro Senza / Tomi Um - Strane Dizioni (Italy)

Best interactive book
Winner - Cannes 08. 09 / Elsa Mroziewicz (France)
Nominee - Shadows / Virginia Mori, Virgilio Villoresi (Italy)
Nominee - Livre-jardin / Julie Chane-Hive (France)

Best new media project
Winner - Machinarium / Amanita Design (Czech Republic)
Nominee - Lume / State of Play Games (UK)
Nominee - Botanicula / Amanita Design (Czech Republic)

Best photography book
Winner - Found photos in Detroit / Arianna Arcara & Luca Santese (Italy)
Nominee - O vsi Lelekovice - sešit 1. / Michal Reichstater, Dávid Kurňavka (CZ)
Nominee - Cut Off Places / Anja Høvik Strømsted (Norway)

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edition lidu Pop-Up Shop at B1 - Centre For Contemporary Design

On the occasion of the ART BOOKS WANTED opening exhibition, the EDITION LIDU´s books and original products were presented in a POP UP SHOP specially created for this event.


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