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Jana Zielinski and Jiří Macek
The book Strom (The Tree) was published on the occasion of the exhibition at the festival Křehký Mikulov in 2012. The book tells the stroy of a tree which was used to produce a unique design table for the Křehký collection.
The Křehký collection was awarded among others the ICFF Editors Award 2008 in New York and the exhibition was nominated for the Grand Prix at the 100% Design Tokyo 2008. The project Křehký presents a sellection of unique design products made mainly of fragile materials (glass, ceramics, etc.).
Languages: Czech
Concept, curators: Jiří Macek and Jana Zielinski
Photography: Václav Jirásek
Text: Jiří Macek
Table Design: Olgoj Chorchoj
Graphic design by Martina Černá / Imagery